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pit storage

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pit-houseA pit house or (dugout) is a dwelling dug into the ground which may also be layered with stone.These structures may be used as places to tell stories, dance, sing, celebrate, and store food. In archaeology, pit houses are also termed sunken… …   Wikipedia

  • Pit toiletA pit toilet or compost toilet is a method of collection of human waste, used for composting, controlled decomposition, or waste disposal used most often in areas with no sewer system. Pit toilets are used in rural and wilderness areas as well as …   Wikipedia

  • pit1. n. & v. n. 1 a a usu. large deep hole in the ground. b a hole made in digging for industrial purposes, esp. for coal (chalk pit; gravel pit). c a covered hole as a trap for esp. wild animals. 2 a an indentation left after smallpox, acne, etc.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pitI [[t]pɪt[/t]] n. v. pitted, pitting 1) a hole or cavity in the ground 2) a covered or concealed excavation in the ground, serving as a trap 3) min a) an excavation made in exploring for or removing a mineral deposit, as by open cut methods b)… …   From formal English to slang

  • pitpit1 /pit/, n., v., pitted, pitting. n. 1. a naturally formed or excavated hole or cavity in the ground: pits caused by erosion; clay pits. 2. a covered or concealed excavation in the ground, serving as a trap. 3. Mining. a. an excavation made in …   Universalium

  • The Pit (G.I. Joe)The Pit is the fictional headquarters of the specialist team from the 1980s Marvel comic book created by Larry Hama. It is a multi level underground base complete with training facilities, living quarters, a briefing room, and heavy equipment… …   Wikipedia

  • 2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire — {| Location map|Hertfordshire label= background=white lat= 51.764 long= 0.424 caption=Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire float=right width=195The 2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire was caused by a series of explosions early on the morning …   Wikipedia

  • History of optical storage mediaAlthough research into optical data storage has been ongoing for many decades, the first popular system was the Compact Disc, introduced in 1982, adapted to data storage (the CD ROM format) with the 1985 Yellow Book, and re adapted as the first… …   Wikipedia

  • Bitter pitis a physiological disorder believed to be induced by calcium deficiency in apple fruits.The incidence of bitter pit usually occurs during storage, but in some cases it can also develop at harvest. [cite web |… …   Wikipedia

  • Earthen manure storageEarthen manure storages are engineered structures used for the storage of liquid livestock manure. Generally these structure are designed so that about fifty percent of the structure is below existing grade and fifty percent is above. Certain… …   Wikipedia

  • silage pit — /ˈsaɪlɪdʒ pɪt/ (say suylij pit) noun a pit dug for the storage of green fodder …  

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